Sometimes people encounter financial trouble. This can result from many situations, including job loss, a sudden illness, an accident or divorce. They are no longer able to manage their debt or pay the bills. Bankruptcy is one of several tools you can utilize to get rid of crushing debt. It is often seen as a “last resort” measure.
Bankruptcy can give you a fresh start and allow you to keep some of your assets. We can assist individuals file for bankruptcy relief under Chapter 7 or Chapter 13.
Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
This is a liquidation plan.
- Trustee sells or liquidates non-exempt assets to pay off creditors
- Your debts are discharged in exchange
- Relief from financial stress
- Usually get to keep your home, car, and retirement accounts
- Give up non-exempt property, such as a vacation home
- Recorded on credit report for 10 years
Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
This is a repayment plan.
- Used when you don’t qualify for Ch. 7
- Also used when there is property you don’t want to give up
- Plan is developed to pay off all or at least a portion of your debts over a 3 to 5 year period
- Keep your property
- Allowed to catch up on arrears on mortgage and avoid foreclosure
- Catch up on car payments if you have fallen behind
- Strip off unsecured second mortgages
- Long-term commitment to repay debts over 3 to 5 years
- Need to have sufficient income throughout course of plan
- Devote all disposable income to plan
- Recorded on credit report for 7 years
We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.